6.5 x 4.5mm DC Power Connector Plug Tip for Laptop Notebook Computers.

size: 6.5mm (Outer Diameter) x 4.5mm (Inner Diameter) with center

Compatible laptop models: (The following is just a partial list.We are unable to verify each laptop model listed here, so please use the above picture of this connector tip to make sure it is the right one for you.)
- Dell: Dell Latitude LX450, Latitude XP, Latitude XP4100, Dell TS30G
(BIOS 1.02A)
- Fujitsu: FMV-665MC9W, FMV-BIBLO, FMV-LifeBook B8240, FMV-LifeBook
U8240, FPCM40951, FPCM40952, FPCM40953,FMV-BIBLO LOOX T70M, FMV-BIBLO MG50K,
- Fujitsu LifeBook B, C, E, I, L, P, S, T Series
- Fujitsu LOOX T Series, PenCentra 130,PenCentra 200,
- Fujitsu Point 1600, Point 510
- Fujitsu Stylistic LT Series, Stylistic ST Series
- Fujitsu LifeBook 270, 280, 400, 420, 435, 470, 520, 530, 531, 535, 555,
565, 585, 635, 655, 656, 665, 675, 690, 735, 755, 756, 765, 770, 785, 790,
- Hitachi Flora Prius 20L
- Megaimage Apollo Series, MegaBook 911 Series
- Panasonic ToughBook CF-01, CF-07, CF-17, CF-25, CF-27, CF-28,
CF33, CF-34, CF35, CF37, CF41, CF61, CF62, CF63, CF71
- Samsung Sens 500, 700, 800, 810 Series
- Samsung Sens Pro 500, 505, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525 Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-1A1N, PCG-1G1N, PCG-384, PCG-431L, PCG-432L, PCG-481N,
- Sony VAIO PCG-500, 505, 700, 800 Seires
- Sony VAIO PCG-8A1N, PCG-8Q4L,
- Sony VAIO PCG A Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-C1 Picturebook Series,
- Sony VAIO PCG-C1 Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-F Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-FR Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-FX Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-GP Series,
- Sony VAIO PCG-GR, GRT, GRX, GRZ Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-K Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-NV Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-QR Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-R, R505, RX Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-SR Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-SRX Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-TR, TR2, TR3, TR5 Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-U Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-V505 Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-VX Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-X18,
- Sony VAIO PCG-X9,
- Sony VAIO PCG-XE7,
- Sony VAIO PCG-XG500,
- Sony VAIO PCG-XG9,
- Sony VAIO PCG-XR Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-Z Series
- Sony VAIO PCG-ZRX90/P,
- Sony VAIO VGC-LA38G, VGC-LA38T, VGC-LJ Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-90HS, VGN-90NS, VGN-90S,
- Sony VAIO VGN-A Series, VGN-AS Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-B Series, VGN-BX Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-C Series, VGN-CR Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-E Series,
- Sony VAIO VGN-FE Series, VGN-FJ Series, VGN-FS Series, VGN-FT Series, VGN-FZ
- Sony VAIO VGN-G,
- Sony VAIO VGN-LA Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-N Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-S Series, VGN-SZ Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-T Series, VGN-TX Series, VGN-TZ Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-U Series, VGN-UX Series
- Sony VAIO VGN-Z1 Series
Important Notes:1. Some models listed above have many different sub-models which cannot use this connector. Please compare your current connector with the picture to make sure this connector tip will work for you.2. The power adapter you are using with this connector tip should have the correct voltage and power capacity to meet your computer's requirement. How to use this connector tip? This connector's rear is a 5.5 x 2.5mm female jack:  It can plug to a 5.5 x 2.5mm connector to form a new size connector:
 Above pictures are just for understanding how the connector tip works. Actual connector tip may be different from the connector tip shown in pictures. Important Note*: If your original connector is not a 5.5 x 2.5mm connector, you can not use this connector plug tip.If you are using this connector tip with some of universal batteries or power adapters, you need to find the 5.5 x 2.5mm standard connector tip that comes with the batteries or power adapters first, and plug it onto the battery or power adapter output cord, to form a standard 5.5 x 2.5mm connector, then plug this connector tip to the 5.5 x 2.5mm connector to form a new size connector.
